Tuo Ultra Strong toimii varmasti todella hyvin aluslakkanakin. Päällyslakka Konadin.
english: I really liked the new Essence's Ultra Strong nail-hardener and I thought my recently buffed nails looked quite nice with just that on and decided to stamp directly on it. My nails don't look as yellow in nature ;) I totally blame the white polish for the yellowness!! So the bigger design is from Konad's plate m26 and the smaller from Essence's black Stampy set with Purple Pearl special polish. Top Coat from Konad.
2 kommenttia:
Voi, jotakin tämmöstä hempeetä sitten hääkynsiks!
Ansu: Joo, mut vähän parempaa kuitenkin! Pitänee harjoitella ja miettiä malleja...
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