Tässäpä hehkuva metsänvihreä Essencen 53 All Access on Multi Dimention laadusta.
On sen verran öykee lakka, ettei edes viiti leimailla päälle...
Löysin todella kauniit tekoripset P2-merkiltä vissiin 2,55€ jos oikein muistan ja sen kaveriksi neutraali lakka 142 Sweet. Tämä onkin tilattu äipälle sen Essencen Iced Chai Latten sijaiseksi, sitä kun ei valitettavasti enää saa.
english: What a great shade! Essence's new 53 All Access. Looks even better with my longer nails :) Gotta get them even longer. Can't wait to try out my new lashes from P2, absolutely necessary for the festive season. The neutral polish from P2 is for my mum because she missed out on the Iced Chai Latte from Essence.
2 kommenttia:
I love All Access shade. Looks good on you.
How is your mom happy with p2 polish?
gejba: Thanks :) It really is multi dimensional and rich with pigment. She hasn't gotten it yet (I have to wait until christmas for my next trip to Finland), but I hope she will :D
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