Ostin tummanvioletin kynsilakan Summer Party, ja sen kaveriksi Essencen uuden Nail Twins päällyslakan 01 Louisen.
Myös P2:n uudet huulipunat vakuuttivat kauniilla sävyillään, nämä ovat siis niitä kuuluisien katujen mukaan nimettyjä punia. Tämä nude kaunokainen on nimeltään Rodeo Drive.
english: I love the new P2's Sun Love LE and might get one of the gorgeous blushes or nailpolishes. I got one of the polishes already called Summer Party and I wanted to pair it up with Essence's new Nail Twins Glitter topper in 01 Louise. I was also impressed with the new P2 lipstick line, the one with names after famous streets. There where more than one pretty shade and the first one I got is this nude beauty called Rodeo Drive.
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