Itseasiassa tämä smokey eye oli tarkoitettu yhden saksalaisen meikkiblogin kilpailuun, mutta taisi jäädä hieman vaisuksi. Pyydettiin jotain erikoista ja värikästä..
Todella halpislinjalla tänään eli saksalaista markettikosmetiikkaa kaikki, tämäkin oli kilpailun säännöissä. Ehkä kuitenkin kokeilen jotain jännempää ja erikoisempaan huomenna :)
12 kommenttia:
Kiva meikki, olisipa täälläkin noita saksalaisia meikkejä.. Ihania nuo yhden alemman postauksen H&M hello kitty paletit! pitää varmaan ostaa se missä on turkoosia
*~sl: Kiitos! Ihan totta, kyllä ne sakemannit ossaa. Män en tiiä saako tuota vanhempaa enään missä on vaan nuo neljä väriä, mutta tuota toista, jossa on se poskipuna oli vielä saatavilla pari viikkoo sitten.
Hi! I don't understand too much but forunately there are the pics and the link of my blog. :-) Your smokey eyes are great but they are incompatible with my contest topic. Those are "ordinary" black smokey eyes. Where's the colour? Black is a non-color.;-)
By the way, it's superb that there are also Finnish Essence Fans. Yay!
Anyways, have fun!
mylangolia: I should have written in english when i added the link to your blog. Actually I was asking my readers what they thought of my smokey eye look that I had made. I used only purple, blue and pink, even the mascara wasn't black. Maybe the photo wasn't the best to describe the colours I used.
Oh, I'm so sorry but the shades on your eyes look grey on my computer. So I was wondering about the link to my contest. Besides I'm a jerk not to ask what you've written in Finnish. The only words I know are hirviö, luuranko and haamu... Well, very important words, you know.;-) By the way, I'd be happy if you'd take part in it. But it's sufficient to show a zoomed pic of your eye so that one can see the different colours of the look.;-) Do you also have access to Catrice products, by the way?
All the best!
mylangolia: I was actually thinking aloud weather if I should enter your competition or not because of the lack of colour in my look :) Very halloween oriented your Finnish vocabulary! I actually live in France at Strasbourg so I visit the neighborly city of Kehl in Germany often to buy German makeup! But in my DM I think we only have the looks from Catrice and not the whole line :( And in Finland we don't have neighter Essence nor Catrice.
Hey, that's a great idea! If you'd like to be more adventurous to do a more crazy colourful smokey eye look you can add rhinestones, glitter, fake lashes or anything you like. Just remember that a good picture will show your abilities!;-)One or two pics (of the eyes or mugshot) are allowed- you can do a collage if you feel like doing so. Try to keep the guidelines of approx. 530 x 530 (maximum capacity) in mind. I'm sure that you'll rock this easy task because you're very creative.;-)
This is quite sad that there aren't any Essence/ Catrice products available in Suomi. Are there any good drugstore brands, btw? Oh, I didn't know that you live in France. Believe it or not, but my French is much better than my Finnish.;-) Yes, you're right, the Finnish words match the Halloween topic perfectly.:-)
All the best,
mylangolia: One of my problems is that I also wear glasses so I can't really wear fake lashes :( my second problem is that I really suck at photography and my pictures never display the makeup correctly. In Finland we have a few nice drugstore brands like Lumene, Natural Code and Anytime which unfortunately is being discontinued. I've been living in France for four years now and I'm sorta trying to keep in contact with Finland and my friends through my blog :D
Oh, it's a pity that you cam doesn't show the real colours of your m/u!:-( Hope to see your contest contribution anyhow.;-) I like the idea of the "Starry green" eye m/u, by the way. You definitely could use it for the contest.
I think, I've heard of Lumene somewhere. The Anytime e/s looks superb (reminds me of a H&M e/s) but it's sad that this brand is discon..:-(
mylangolia: It's kinda sad that I don't know how to use my complicated camera. But anyways I'm trying my best :) I'm definitely going to enter your competition! I'm not totally sure with which look yet though. I think Lumene is sold in some European countries and I know that they sell it at the US. They have a comprehensive skincare line so it's not only makeup. And it sucks that they stopped producing Anytime because I've been using their stuff since I was a teenager :( But I have Essence now so I can't really complain :D
Believe me, you're very welcome to my contest! But don't worry about your cam. My diva cam called Kodak isn't a sweetheart all the time. Sometimes the flash pics turn out very weird. But who cares... Men invented cams so they aren't perfect.;-) I have to watch out for Lumene stuff in my town. Maybe I'm lucky with my search for it. I love new make up.;-) Oh well, I know the sad fate of childhood cosmetics. I used a kajal in my youth (yeah, I just applied a black kajal and lip blam . Wow, I was shy!)of a brand Bluemoon. But they disvontinued this fine brand. I'm still disappointed because it was THE kajal for me. I think Ayntime deserves a special tombstone on the graveyard of beloved cosmetic brands. R.I.P. ;-)
Best wishes from Saksa ;-)
mylangolia: Nice to hear I'm not alone with my cam problems :) I think the reality is that I simply don't know how to use it... Bluemoon sounds super, I can only imagine what kind of great stuff they must have had! But I'd really love to get me some Catrice but yesterday at my DM they didn't even have the limited edition. I imagine it's because they have P2 and other stuff. The new LE baroque something was amazing and I would have liked to get something from it! Anyways Tchüss von Frankreich!
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