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Essencen Moonlight Collection oli vasta saapunut toiseen DM:ään ja nappasin hohtavan vaaleanpunaisen 03 Sparkling Daw kokoelmiini. Leimasin päälle viivakooditipin Konadin laatasta m44 Black Pearl erikoislakalla. Päällyslakka Konadin. Hankala kuvata pimeässä!!
english: Last trip to Germany before the holidays and I got everything on my sister's wishlist. I also finally found Essence's LE All I Want from Müller. The polishes are for me and the haircubes for my upcoming blog-birthday-giveaway in January. The other DM in Kehl had only received the Moonlight collection and so I hauled the 03 Sparkling Dawn to my collection. I stamped it with a codebarre from Konad's plate m44 with the Black Pearl Special Polish. Top Coat from Konad.
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